This page will contain resources for families to assist in at-home teaching and learning.

If you have a resource you'd like to see added to this page, please email Courtney - with the details and site address.

Join our closed Facebook group to share ideas and plan social engagements.

Typing Agent & MobyMax

1. Go to: or

2. Scroll down to "Log in to Typing Agent with:" (You'll need to scroll down past the regular login.

3. Click on "Clever."

4. Where it asks for school name, type in: Home Study

5. Click on: Home Study/ Rincon Valley Charter School, CA

6. Click on: Log in with Google

7. Enter your child's email address: (substitute your child's ID number)

8. Enter your child's password: first initial, last name, then numbers so at least 8 spaces are used.

Examples: Emily Davis would be edavis12.

Igor Stravinsky would be istravinsky

Follow the prompts, and you're in!