YEARBOOK DEDICATIONS DEADLINE EXTENDED - These aren't just for graduating 6th Graders! Celebrate your child's achievement in the 2019/2020 school year. Now due March 11th!
about 4 years ago, Megan Fonseca
WALK & ROLL - It's Walk and Roll to school day on Friday! Walking and rolling helps the environment, is good for us and is so much fun! We hope you plan to join us. Did you know that most of our community lives within 2 miles of the school?Let's see how many of us can walk and roll to school!! Also, we could use one or two adult volunteers to greet walkers and rollers and hand out small prizes. We need help from 7:45-8:10. Please contact Sarah if you can help,!
about 4 years ago, Megan Fonseca
Dear Rincon Valley Staff and Families, As a District, we are continuing to monitor the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines for reducing the risk of contracting and spreading viruses. We are providing schools with hand sanitizer and wipes to reduce the potential spread of germs. We are encouraging frequent student hand-washing and reminding students to cough/sneeze into an elbow or tissue. Our custodial staff have received direction to work directly with principals to ensure that classrooms are being properly cleaned. It’s important that everyone (staff, students and family members) take steps to reduce the spread of illness, especially to protect whose who are most vulnerable: *wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer *avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing, then wash your hands *stay home when ill, have a fever and limit contact with others *avoid contact with people who are sick *regularly clean high touch surfaces This is a dynamic situation and we are continuing with all school activities as scheduled. As we get additional information from the County Health Department, we will make adjustments as needed.
about 4 years ago, RVUSD
Good Morning, In an effort to encourage good sanitation, we are going to switch our lunch schedule to a "eat first, play second" model. This will give students an opportunity to wash their hands directly before they eat. There will be hand sanitizer available in each classroom as well as at the lunch tables.
about 4 years ago, Madrone Elementary
We wish our Rincon Valley Staff and Families a healthy and restful weekend. We are continuing to monitor communications about the Coronavirus. We do not have any new information about risks to our community, at this time. Our staff are cleaning classrooms and common areas regularly and are prepared to provide deep cleaning if the need arises. We encourage you to follow the Center for Disease Control guidelines for the prevention of communicable diseases: -Stay home when sick. -Remain at home until the fever has been gone for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicines. -Seek immediate medical care if symptoms become more severe, e.g., high fever or difficulty breathing. -Cover cough with a tissue or sleeve. -Wash hands frequently. We will continue to communicate with you as we receive new information and guidance. ~Rincon Valley School District
about 4 years ago, RVUSD
LAST CALL FOR LOST & FOUND - You have until the end of the day today to claim your lost Mustang’s jacket. The leftovers will be donated to Goodwill this weekend.
about 4 years ago, Megan Fonseca
STEAM NIGHT IN ONE HOUR - Don’t forget that tonight is STEAM Night from 5:00-7:00pm! Visit the many classrooms, grab a bite at the taco truck, and check out the Lost and Found by the eating area. AND, make sure to scroll down our LIVE FEED to see what’s been happening these past couple of weeks!
about 4 years ago, Megan Fonseca
Dear Rincon Valley Families, We are aware that there is an individual being treated in a Sonoma County Hospital, who has the Coronavirus. The patient was NOT infected in the County. We are working closely with the Sonoma County Office of Education and the Sonoma County Health Department to make sure that we are aware of any necessary precautions that need to be taken. We will continue to communicate with you as we receive guidance. The health and safety of our students, staff and families are our highest priorities. For more information, you can go to the coronavirus website here: ~Rincon Valley School District
about 4 years ago, RVUSD
Dear Rincon Valley Families, We are aware that there is an individual being treated in a Sonoma County Hospital, who has the Coronavirus. We are working closely with the Sonoma County Office of Education and the Sonoma County Health Department to make sure that we are aware of any necessary precautions that need to be taken. We will continue to communicate with you as we receive guidance. The health and safety of our students, staff and families are our highest priorities. For more information, you can go to the coronavirus website here: ~Rincon Valley School District
about 4 years ago, Madrone Elementary
Come learn about how to keep your child safe online: Cyber Safety by SRPD For 4th-6th grade parents. Not appropriate for students. Thursday, 2/27 6-7pm Austin Creek School
about 4 years ago, RVUSD
cyber safety
PTA ELECTION NOTICE - Elections for the 2020-2021 school year are coming up fast and we want you to join us Thursday March 26 at 6:15pm in the MPR. It is critical that we have a quorum of at least 11 members to vote. Please save the date! Also, you can see that we’re searching for someone interested in filling the role of Vice-President. This is an excellent position for someone interested in leadership but who needs to wade into the process. If interested, please contact Megan Fonseca, Nominating Committee Chairpeson, at
about 4 years ago, Megan Fonseca
RVEF GALA SAVE THE DATE - The Rincon Valley Education Foundation is hosting an adults only formal GALA, benefiting RVUSD's science program, on the evening of Saturday April 25! More details to follow. Share with your family and friends and mark your calendars now!
about 4 years ago, Megan Fonseca
LOST & FOUND - Our Lost & Found is overflowing with jackets, lunch boxes, and other items. All will be on display at STEAM Night this Thursday. Make sure to stop by the lunch area to peruse the racks. Whatever is not picked up by the end of the day Friday 2/28 will be donated to Goodwill. BUT, you don’t have to wait till STEAM Night to look through all the items. Stop by the MPR this week to start finding your Mustang’s lost treasures.
about 4 years ago, Megan Fonseca
STEAM NIGHT - is coming Thursday February 27! Not only will multiple classrooms be turned into playgrounds for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math, but if it’s a clear night we’ll have a telescope and docent from the Robert Ferguson Observatory showing us the stars. AND, new this year a food truck will be on campus where you can purchase dinner for your family. Don’t let dinner get in the way of attending!
about 4 years ago, Megan Fonseca
DREAM BIG INSPIRATION - Librarian Jill Stewart was inspired to captain the Dream Big Challenge from reading this book! She then started off by reading it to our Mustangs 3 weeks ago hoping to inspire them. Boy has it taken off! For more info, click below:
about 4 years ago, Megan Fonseca
Dream Big 1
Dream Big 2
CHECK OUT THE LIVE FEED - We hope you’re enjoying President’s Day! Make sure to check out Madrone’s Live Feed to see what’s been happening the last few weeks. Just scroll down to review!
about 4 years ago, Megan Fonseca
President’s Day
DREAM BIG T-SHIRT CONTEST - Get your creativity flowing and help us design our Madrone Dream Big Half Marathon T-Shirt. Draw a picture on a blank 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper to represent each part of the marathon (Dream Big Challenge, read, run/walk and kindness) and win a free book from the Scholastic Book Fair.
about 4 years ago, Megan Fonseca
T-shirt 1
T-shirt 2
DREAM BIG - Check out Madrone’s next big thing sponsored by our staff! To make your BIG dreams come true, you need to BE FIT physically, mentally, and emotionally. Challenge yourself to run 13 miles, read 13 books, and do 13 acts of kindness in 13 weeks! RUN or WALK! 13 MILES Try running or walking just a mile or ½ mile at a time. Always run with a buddy, parent, or adult. Try running around a track. Find out how many laps equal one mile. The Madrone track is 5 laps equal a mile. Stretch before and after each run. Walk and roll to school days! Mar. 6, Apr, 3, May 1 Find a local road race and join in. Create a running club at recess. It’s more fun to run with a lot of people! READ! 13 BOOKS For ideas on great books for any age or interest check with Mrs. Stewart, your local librarian, your friends, teachers and parents for book recommendations. Just learning to read? Have an adult read to you. Reading chapter books? Every 100 pages counts as 1 book. REACH OUT! 13 ACTS OF BIG-HEARTED KINDNESS Start at home! What kind of things can you do for your family today? These should be kind acts above and beyond your normal chores. Think about your school. Who needs a friend? How can you be helpful to your teacher or principal? Love animals? Find an animal shelter that needs a helping hand. How can you help your neighborhood or town?
over 4 years ago, Megan Fonseca
DB Page 1
Dream Big
DB Page 2
MAKER DAY - TK celebrated their much anticipated Maker’s Day yesterday! Students were encouraged to be creative and use their imagination and problem solving skills to build anything they can dream up! Their excitement was palpable. Some masterpieces were fairy castles, space stations, and a hotel for animals. Many thanks to parents who donated items and of course, to Mrs. Reno for providing this opportunity for our youngest Mustangs!
over 4 years ago, Megan Fonseca
Maker 2
Maker 3
Maker 1
Maker 4
YEARBOOK PHOTOS NEEDED NOW! - We have just a couple of days before the yearbook club meets for the first time. Coordinators are working hard to categorize all the photos coming in. But guess what? We don’t have enough, which means the students won’t have much work to do. Please send in your photos ASAP!!! Most recent events include Seussical, Cal Skate & Donate, Kindness Week (pjs, crazy hair, sports, etc.), Class field trips and celebrations. And we still need more of: First day of school, Walkathon, Dine & Donates, Movie Night, Potluck and Game Night, Sports, Madrone Players, Fun on the Metro and Blacktop, etc.
over 4 years ago, Megan Fonseca
Submit photos