Introducing ParentSquare
We are pleased to announce we have partnered with ParentSquare. For those of you not as familiar, Parent Square is a communication and organization tool designed to keep families informed and involved in their children's learning and school activities.
We use ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text, and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number originating from our student information system. For email or cell phone number changes, please get in touch with your student's school. ParentSquare can only recognize you as a parent/guardian if your school has the same email and text cell phone information for you in the system. We encourage parents to access their account, download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified.
How to Sign Up
Go to ParentSquare.com/signin
There are two sections. For new-to-ParentSquare families, use the section labeled "Sign up / Create Password"
Type the email address or the textable cell phone number you provided to your school in the box labeled "Email or Cell Phone Number" . It's important that the email address or cell phone number match those on file in the school office
Click "Go"
Then go to your email or cell phone text messages and look for a message from ParentSquare

Here is what you can do with ParentSquare
Receive messages from the school via email, text, or app notification
Choose to receive information as it comes, or all at once at 6 pm daily
Communicate in your preferred language
Direct message teachers and staff
For More Information
You can also download the ParentSquare App on iOS or Android devices