Effective January 1, 2019, Assembly Bill 1747 (Rodriguez), School Safety Plans, became law. This bill requires that during the writing and development of the comprehensive school safety plan (CSSP), the school site council or safety committee consult with a fire department and other first responder entities in addition to currently required entities. It requires the CSSP and any updates made to the plan to be shared with the law enforcement agency, the fire department, and the other first responder entities.
The California Education Code (sections 32280-32288) outlines the requirements of all schools operating any kindergarten and any grades 1 to 12, inclusive, to write and develop a school safety plan relevant to the needs and resources of that particular school.
In 2004, the Legislature and Governor recast and renumbered the Comprehensive School Safety Plan provisions in SB 719 and AB 115. It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting the provisions to support California public schools as they develop their mandated comprehensive safety plans that are the result of a systematic planning process, that include strategies aimed at the prevention of, and education about, potential incidents involving crime and violence on school campuses.
Comprehensive School Safety Plans are required under SB 719 & AB 115 and contains the following elements:
• Assessment of school crime committed on school campuses and at school-related functions
• Child abuse reporting procedures
• Disaster procedures
• Suspension and expulsion policies
• Procedures to notify teachers of dangerous pupils
• Discrimination and harassment policies
• School wide dress code policies
• Procedures for safe ingress and egress
• Policies enacted to maintain a safe and orderly environment
• Rules and procedures on school discipline
• Hate crime reporting procedures