Click on the link below to view the list of street names in the Rincon Valley Union School District boundaries.
Click on the link below if you are out of District.
Inter District Transfer Policy:
The District must meet it's obligation to serve resident students before using it's resources to serve new students who transfer into the District through an inter-district transfer agreement. The Governing Board of this District supports providing out-of District students with an in-District placement where possible. In order to accomplish this, the District must determine the limitations on capacity for purposes of inter-district transfers exist to allow for in-district residents.
Classes at the relevant grade level may be deemed to be full for the purposes of inter-district transfer when TK classes reach 17:1, when K-3rd classes reach 21:1, when 4th-6th grade classes reach 28:1 and when 7th-8th grade classes reach 30:1.
For special day class ("SDC") students, in addition to considerations of grade level and district capacity: A Mild-to-Moderate SOC may be deemed full for purposes of inter-district transfers when the student:teacher ratio exceeds 8:1. A Moderate-to-Severe SOC may be deemed full for purposes of inter-district transfers when the student:teacher ratio exceeds 8:1.
Click here to read the Board Resolution for Classroom Capacity Limits
Once complete, please email Simone Reed at sreed@rvusd.org
The Intra-district transfer form is to be used if a parent wants child to go to another school within the District other than their home school in the District.
The procedure starts at the HOME school. Parent completes the intra-district transfer form; home school principal signs form. The form is sent to the District Office.
The District Office will send a letter to the parent confirming receipt of the request and attaches the timeline for approval.
Once the request is approved, it is good through 6th grade; however, the District has the right to rescind it due to poor attendance, tardiness, etc.
For more information please review AR 5116.1 Intradistrict Attendance
Once complete, please email Simone Reed at sreed@rvusd.org
The Inter-district transfer form is to be used if a parent wants child to go to a school outside their home district.
Procedure starts at the HOME district. The parent completes the inter-district transfer form and returns it to the HOME district office. Once the HOME district releases the student, the form is sent to the Rincon Valley USD district office.
The RVUSD office will send a letter to the parent confirming receipt of the request and attaches the timeline for approval.
Once the inter-district is approved, it is good through 6th grade (even if the HOME district requires reapplying each year); however, Rincon Valley USD has the right to rescind it due to poor attendance, tardiness, behavior, etc.
Binkley, Manzanita, Village, and Whited are charter schools. To transfer to these schools, you DO NOT need to complete the inter-district transfer form. Please use the Charter Transfer Form (below) for these schools.
Once complete, please email Simone Reed at sreed@rvusd.org
The Inter-district transfer form is to be used if a parent residing in the Rincon Valley Union School District wants their child to attend a school in another district.
The parent completes the inter-district transfer form and submits it to RVUSD district office.
RVUSD does not require renewal each year.
Once complete, please email Simone Reed at sreed@rvusd.org
Rincon Valley Charter Elementary Schools: Douglas Whited, Binkley, Manzanita, and Village Charter Schools do not require transfer permits from a resident district; however, there are priority levels for enrollment.
A parent must fill out a TK-6 Charter Request form (above) and submit it to the District Office - Simone Reed, Assistant to the Superintendent.
Once the Charter Request is approved, a parent can take the approved transfer directly to the charter school office to register their child.