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Allen Watts
Chief Business Official
District Office
(707)542-7375 x 24041
Rocellie Lansangan
Business Clerk
(707)542-7375 x 24045
Sarah Hall
Business & Personnel Analyst
District Office
(707)542-7375 x 24044
Legenia Gonzalez
Payroll Technician
District Office
Kathy Eik
District Office
(707)542-7375 x 24042
Reyna Gonzalez
Accounts Technician
District Office
(707)542-7375 x 24043
Luis Ceballos
Warehouse Manager
District Office
(707) 542-7375 x24062
Seth Weinberg
Extended Care Director
District Office
(707) 542-7375 x24051
Loretta Medeiros
Extended Care Assistant
District Office
(707) 542-7375 x24052
Sam Evans
ELOP Cordinator
District Office
(707) 542-7375 x24053
Alison Smith
Food Service/Operations Manager
(707)542-7375 x 24010
Anthony Hernandez
Assistant to Food Service
District Office
(707)542-7375 x 24010
Billy Lansangan
Food Service Driver
District Office